“CEO Talk” with Karleen Roy, CEO Vanity Group

Welcome to episode six of No Need to Ask Podcast’s “CEO Talk”. My name is Amani Duncan and I will be your host on this journey.

I had the pleasure of interviewing Karleen Roy, CEO The Vanity Group. Karleen and I have known each other for +10 years and she is truly an inspirational leader. Growing her business from an idea to a successful event planning company has been incredible to watch. 

The Vanity Group is a highly sought after boutique agency that specializes in producing bespoke events and other worldly experiences for their elite clientele. All you have to do is watch pop-culture, velvet rope events in the news and on TV and can safely assume The Vanity Group is the brainchild producing the one of a kind event. 

On this episode, you will hear Karleen's story - from the very beginning of her career to present day. Karleen is young, bright and a talented CEO. I know her story will inspire many. So make sure you have a pen and notepad ready to take notes that can be applied to your professional journey. 

If you like what you hear, please feel free to write a lovely review here. 

Until we meet again, be safe and be well. 


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