“Thank You for Voting” A Conversation with author and journalist Erin Geiger-Smith

Welcome to Episode seven of No Need to Ask podcast. My name is Amani Duncan and I will be your host on this journey.

Erin Geiger-Smith is a journalist who has written for the Wall Street Journal and the New York Times among other leading publications, and has worked at Reuters covering legal news. She graduated from Columbia's Graduate School of Journalism, the University of Texas School of Law, and the University of Texas at Austin.

"Thank You for Voting" is straightforward about how long Black Americans, women, and Native Americans, among others, had to fight for the right to vote, and about our current problems with low voter participation and voting inequality. But it also highlights how we can do better, and features a fascinating group of people -- some well known, some who just saw a problem and decided to do their part to fix it -- already doing the work to increase voter turnout. The young reader edition has most of the same information, just in an age-appropriate way.

Thank You for Voting: the Maddening, Enlightening, Inspiring Truth about Voting in America

Praise for Thank You for Voting "If you want to celebrate your essential right as a citizen and encourage others to do the same, Thank You for Voting provides an engaging and concise tutorial of what it means to cast your ballot -- past, present, and future. Read this book! (And be sure to vote.)" -- Ann Patchett

Geiger Smith's "handy owner’s manual to the democratic process removes any excuse for not showing up at the ballot box. ... Intelligent, spirited, and especially valuable to budding activists and first-time voters." -- Kirkus Reviews

"Illuminating and accessible" -- Publisher's Weekly

"Thank You for Voting serves up the context and concrete action items every registered and to-be registered voter needs to be part of ensuring … increased voter turnout." -- Denver Public Library Friday 5 at 5


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